Monday Monochrome + Photo of the Day June 10, 2024

Walking in the Field

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Monochrome

This photo is from the archives. It was taken when my kids were in our church's youth group. This young man was another member of the group. The group was doing a scavenger hunt. I was experimenting with iPhone apps (I believe this was Hipstamatic). Now this young man is married and on with his life. Things seem to change too fast.





Sunday Evening Sunset

Photo of the Day 162/366

This has been the weekend for sunset skies. We've had very beautiful sunset skies every evening this weekend. It's been a little difficult to pick which photo I should post each day. I liked this one because of the sun just before it became hidden by the clouds and the faint light on the grass in the foreground.



Quote of the Day: "Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer makes you happy." - Unknown



  1. You know the saying " the only thing constant in our lives, is change" Btw so agree with today's quote.


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