Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day June 22, 2024

Old Farmhouse across the Field

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This show was taken on a recent road trip. We had to drive to get some signatures on a document for my wife's office and she offered to take me along. The trip was across the farmland of our area so I went along. I got a few shots that were good and this was one of them. I just saw this old stone farmhouse across the field from our car and thought it looked very pretty on a warm afternoon. 



Pre-Dawn Sky over the Misty Valley

Photo of the Day 174/366

This photo was taken while out on a very early jaunt through the countryside. I saw the newly mown grass in the foreground and the wonderful sky in the background and could not avoid stopping to take a few pictures. This was one of those cases where I had to edit the photo to get it to be what I saw when I took it. The camera did not give the correct (for my eye) lighting and colors.  However, I did what I know to do and made the photo what I saw that morning!  Enjoy!




Quote of the Day: "When friends stop being frank and useful to each other, the whole world loses some of its radiance." - Anatole Broyard



  1. Yes, that farmhouse looks so pretty and kind of classic. All the colors are great.


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