Saturday Choice

 I challenged myself to take only 1 camera and to shoot only one place. I chose a newly opened shopping mall away from the touristy area. It was pretty quiet day but very very hot!

The view from the terrace: I loved that bridge with the golden wire  straps ...

I turned around and shot the below photo, crossing my fingers that I had a decent shot as I could not see what I was shooting with the heat and also the distance from where I was:

I quickly took refuge in the shopping mall and went straight somewhere to hydrate myself ...

Took the last shot of another watering hole from the outside...

Conclusion: I did not really quite enjoyed the challenge. Will I do it again? Not very sure but who knows, I might .... one day ...


  1. Enjoyable or not, a really nice set. I really enjoy "one place" sessions😊

    1. Thank you, John. I find "one place" sessions a little difficult and slightly boring.

  2. Replies
    1. I have just realised that my reply was not published. Sorry about that, Tom. Thank you for your comment, Tom and yes, I like the bridge capture, too.

  3. I like the idea of your challenge, but can see it being a bit mundane. The bridge shot is outstanding and I can see why you like the bridge so much. I also like your third shot as well as fifth, they both have an artistic look to them. I had to look at #4 deeply to see all the elements within the photo, I guess for me that photo is very busy and the colors distract. Wonder what it would be like if it was in monochrome. Glad you are back and glad you are posting,. As always your photos are striking.😀

    1. Thank you for the welcome and thank you for your comment. What attracted me to #4 was the clever way the mirrors were placed and the revelation was airing a soap opera. Red was the dominant color of this bar and it would be a pity to turn it to b&w. I definitely agree that the photo was rather crowded ... Maybe I should have taken a step back and try to have a wider angle so the sides of the photo have sufficient space to breathe.

    2. *typo error ... Television and not revelation

  4. It's good to see your posts again! They are always good and interesting. I read Camellia's comments on #4, and tried looking at it in monochrome. I like the color version better, and in fact the colors are part of what I like about it. I love the focal points made by the two reflections plus the TV screen. I understand what Camellia was saying but the colors and the busy-ness add to the experience for me. A bonus is the subtitle on the TV screen: "footsteps approaching."

    1. Thank you, Tom for your welcome and comment. Sharp eyes for the the subtitle on the TV screen :)


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