Sunday Street Photography + Photo of the Day June 30, 2024


St. Louis from the Mississippi Bridge

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Street Photography

This photo is in honor of my weekend guest, my sister and brother-in-law.  One one of our trips to St. Louis to visit them, we went for dinner near the Mississippi and got to walk around a bit after the meal. This photo was taken as we got a view of the city, at sunset, from the bridge. That night was magical with the views, the sunset, and the company.


Clouds Trying to Mask the Sun

Photo of the Day 182/366

I took this photo this past week. The clouds were moving quickly and the sun was sinking fast. Between the two - I was trying to capture images that I liked. I took a number of photos where the sun was partially behind the clouds, but this one was the best. The sun seemed to have struggled to be masked by the clouds.


Quote of the Day: "Some people around you will not understand your journey. They don't need to; it's not for them " - Paulo Coelho



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