Thursday Architecture + Photo of the Day June 27, 2024

Up to the Skylight

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Architecture

This photo, from my archives was taken in the office building where I used to work. The building I worked in was built to house the government agency I worked for, so there were a number details that were included to suit our agency's purpose - the Environment. Our skylights were one of those features as they let in the daylight and lessened the need for the lights to be on in the hallway much of the day. I liked the patterns and the details of the building.


Sun Setting between the Trees

Photo of the Day 179/366

I took this photo earlier this week while waiting for my wife after taking my father-in-law back to his room. It is amazing how the sunset changes in a few moments. This photo was taken perhaps 10 minutes before yesterday's photo and the skies look so vastly different. Nature's paintbrush and palette are amazing.



Quote of the Day: "While we are postponing, life speeds by." - Seneca

