Monday Monochrome + Photo of the Day July 22, 2024

Afternoon Clouds over the Field

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Monochrome

I took this photo while out yesterday on a walk with my youngest. This photo was near the half-way point on the walk. When we go the route we took, we pass a fenced field that overlooks the far hills. Unfortunately, when you go further, the neighboring homes appear in the distance, so I tried to get this photo before that point. The contrast of this photo wasn't quite what I wanted, but it does show the summer clouds nicely along with the growing hay.




Sunset at the Field

Photo of the Day 204/366

I took this photo while out on a long walk with my youngest. The sun was setting as we were getting close to home and I stopped in multiple places to try to capture the sky. This scene appeared just as I was getting to one of the neighboring farms. I looked through the trees and noticed the sun and how the sunlight lit up the grass in the foreground. The colors in the sky, along with the trees and foreground just made this photo alive for me.




Quote of the Day: "You aren’t a caged bird, you’re not as trapped as you feel. You’re not as alone as you assume. I promise." - Nicole Torres 



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