Saturday - Choice - Which version is best?

Alternate edits of my Saturday Choice shot this week -

Peter B. suggested my shot today might look good in black & white.  I'd also wondered about that, and in fact I considered 4 different versions.  I'd like to see if anyone has any suggestions about which version works best.  Or is there another option you'd like better?

Version 1:  The version I posted:

Version 2: This is the version I almost posted but then decided it should be brightened up a little.  This one is more faithful to the original scene, and has a "foggier" feel to me.

Version 3:  As Peter suggested, it looks pretty good in black & white.  This version is pretty low-contrast, but that's appropriate for a foggy scene.
Version 4:  This is the same as #3 but with a little contrast added.  It pops out a little more, and the distant part of the scene retains the "foggy" feel.  Still, it's not exactly what the actual afternoon felt like.


  1. I go with version 3. All are good ,only the last one not so much. Why Sherlock Holmes poppes in my mind seeing them.

  2. Of the B&W versions, I like the last best - better contrast. Strangely enough, I prefer #1 overall because the slight bit of color provides even more contrast😊

  3. I prefer #1, the colors add to the atmosphere and for me it pops. The street lamps add to the Shelock Holmes scenario in #1 whereas in the others they blend into the the background. If I didn't have a choice of color then the last photo would probably be my choice because of the deeper contrast between the dark and the light.

  4. Love the 3rd on just perfect to go along with the fog

  5. Thanks for your thoughts. It's interesting, and kind of cool, that three of the four versions got votes. We all have different preferences.

    1. And luckely we do, else you need just one photo for all.


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