Tuesday Daily Life + Photo of the Day July 16, 2024

The Band Plays On

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Daily Life

I took this photo a few weeks ago at a local "watering hole". Some of my fellow karate school students get together there to unwind informally and have some social time. At this venue, they usually have a local band playing - sometimes good, sometimes, just OK.  This night it was pretty good and seemed to have a good time.





Wispy Clouds at Sunset

Photo of the Day 198/366

I took this photo a few days ago. I just love when the sun peeks out behind a cloud and seems to suddenly burst out with brightness. I took a wider view of this sunset and caught the faint blues along with the bright golds and yellows in the sky. The sunsets have truly been outstanding this year and I'm not complaining.


 Quote of the Day: "This is such a short and precious life that it's really important that you don't spend it being unhappy." - Naval Ravikant



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