Wednesday Nature + Photo of the Day July 31, 2024

Window onto the Bog in Summer

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Nature

This photo was taken earlier in the year at nearby park. We were walking around the lake and I noted that there were "windows" in the trees overlooking the marshy areas of the park. I liked this particular view as the clouds in the blue sky nicely contrasted with the greenery. Later on our walk, we ventured down a trail through this marshy area so this photo does bring back good memories for me.





Storm Coming in after Sunset

Photo of the Day 213/366

It was surprisingly stormy last evening. I heard rumbles of thunder and torrents of rain and thought that there could not be a sunset. I looked out our front windows and noted the orange line of clouds trying to show themselves. So, I HAD to go out and try to capture the sky - and I did. The storm clouds were receding from the west and left a little bit of sunset sky to show. I managed to capture a little bit of the beauty - and I didn't even get wet. I was blessed as it rained shortly after that.




Quote of the Day: "Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them . A desire, a dream, a vision." - Muhammed Ali 


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