Friday Creative + Photo of the Day August 16, 2024

Looking into the Future

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Friday Creative:  This photo was taken a few years ago while on a walk with my youngest. She was struggling to find her way and our walks were sometimes silent and sometimes full of questions - they still are. I decided to try to get a silhouette photo of her. I have since put in a a more fitting sky (still mine) and removed some distractions so the mood presented would be what I wanted.

Afternoon Sky over the Fields

Photo of the Day 229/366

I took this photo this past week while at a wedding venue. This will likely be the last wedding I shoot. A few years ago, I had a studio which did portraiture and weddings, and I did OK on the photography end of things. I discovered I'm not so great at marketing. My drive waned as the market softened and most of the "middle photographers" went out, so did I. This wedding is for a friend and This is where the wedding will take place - a really nice farm scene.

Quote of the Day: "Good things aren't supposed to just fall into your lap." - Audrey Hepburn



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