Monday Monochrome + Photo of the Day August 19, 2024

Storms Brewing across the Valley

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Monochrome:  Yesterday afternoon, the storm clouds were roiling about and the rain came in fits and starts. You could tell that the weather was ripe for storms. I went out for a drive in the mid-afternoon to see what I could find for photos and I went to our old church and parked in the lot and took a walk down the country road. The field and valley were lit by the sun, but the storm clouds were ready to come in, and did they ever - we had a some short, but strong storms later in the day.

Clouds Cradle the Setting Sun

Photo of the Day 232/366

Last evening, we were under a severe thunderstorm watch all through the golden hour and sunset. I kept looking out of our front window, though. I saw the beginnings of a clearing sufficient to allow for some great sky photos. My instincts were right and the sky opened up with anvil clouds to our north and dark clouds to our east. The sky was wonderful and the clouds seemed to open up just enough for a nice sunset.

Quote of the Day: "Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed." - Denis Waitley



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