Motion matters

Today went out to a small expo, that has landed at the end of my street. Called Motion Matters.
Through some insatllations that move or has movement in them they want to focus on the importance of movement in art. like how art can change in many works or goes to another level.

They were brought together by a liast years student of the academy of arts.

This woodpulp was once a house on an exhbition in the states or Canada. It was floating and whe,n they moved it it sank. And now tthe rests of wood are here in Antwerp.


Most of the works I did not really understand, but i like looking in the artists world.

This was a fdun machine, it reacts on movement and starts hammering this poor block of concrete. After a month they will see what sculpture it has become.

A canvas constantly turning and the paint just dripped on it. A painting created by movement. It was also the biggest work hanging there.

So this is just an impression of the expo. The setting, an old factory, interacted very well with the displays.


  1. Very avant garde. Interesting but at the same time I too can't understnad it. I like the canvas with paint dripping but then again that's probably because of the colors. Thanks for the share, always interesting to see how others see art.

  2. Wow! How interesting. It is not the first time when I think such “expos at the end of my street” can only be found in places such as Benelux where the minds are free. I do miss the Netherlands where I lived seven years. It is culturally such a stark contrast to Germany or Poland: more and more often I notice people have muzzles on their minds here.

    1. That freedom is under threat, sadly enough.specially politics, woke and religion are very damaging for a free mind. So we have to keep this freedom going.


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