Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day August 31, 2024

Rough Surf on Lake Erie

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice:  This photo is from WAY back in my archives. It was taken likely 20+ years ago when my wife and I took a road trip to see some family in Erie, PA.  We visited some elderly family members and talked to them about what the "old days" were like and spent one day visiting Lake Erie. It was a windy day with rough surf and many clouds. Great photos and great memories, but all of folks I remember speaking to are gone now so, a little melancholy, too.

Soft Summer Sunset

Photo of the Day 244/366

I took this photo a few weekends ago. The scene was warm but not overly so, like a relaxed warm summer evening - which it was. The tree is in my neighbor's back yard and the sun and sky were in the right spot that I could pause and take this photo. This particular photo evokes a quiet, serene feeling to me, so I wanted to post it on what will be a very busy weekend.

Quote of the Day: "Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient." - Steve Maraboli



  1. Joe, you got me thinking about how photos can have so many memories attached to them, and how they can bring back, temporarily, people who are gone. It occurred to me that this is probably true about most of the famous photos taken by "master" photographers: we only see a work of art, but for them the shot was loaded with memories as well.


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