Friday Creative + Photo of the Day September 13, 2024

Reflections on  a Marble Table

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Friday Creative:  When we were first married (30+ years ago) - and I had some of my first digital cameras, my eyes seemed more open than today - I shot almost everything. I remember just setting my camera down on a table and seeing in the display this scene and I HAD to grab the photos. I just seemed so abstract and truly, happenstance that I looked at the display at that moment. I'm glad I took this and glad I kept it all these year.

Soft Colors Before the Sunrise

Photo of the Day 257/366

I took this photo on the way to work yesterday morning. I knew I was running a little early but when I saw the soft colors and the light mist on the field, I had to pull over and grab a few photos. I really liked the layers of color - from the green of the field to the blues of the hills, then the pinks, oranges, and golds of the clouds and finally back to the blue above the sky - this seemed to be a layer cake of colors. A beautiful morning.

Quote of the Day: "People are mirrors. What you see in others has more to do with you than with them." - Unknown



  1. Both photos are great. Reading your comment on the first photo made me think.....I in contrast to you picked up a camera only a few years ago but I did notice and was even confirmed by my husband that I had become extremly observant of my surroundings and more apt to see things other's did not notice. So I don't know if it's the novelty of having a camera in hand or just passage of time that has caused your eyes to seem less open.

  2. Interesting first capture love the low luster reflection

  3. I really like both the "early Joe" and "current Joe" shots!


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