Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day September 7, 2024

Sun Setting over the Tall Grass

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice:  This year, I've taken my share of photos like this one with the sun setting between trees and over the grasses. We've had some beautiful sunsets and I won't complain.  I'll remember this particualr shot as I had to get down far and concentrate to get things just right. The bugs were biting quite a bit but I think it was worth it.

Bands of Clouds just after Sunset

Photo of the Day 251/366

This photo was taken last weekend and the scenes were fantastic. I had time to grab a number of sunset photos over the rolling hills. This particular one caught my eye due to the brilliant colors near the horizon and the  contrasting white in the clouds further away. I just loved the play of colors at that moment.

Quote of the Day: "Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety." - Plato


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