Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day September 14, 2024

Parson's Bridge - see you soon!

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice:  This bridge is one of my favorite spots in my favorite vacation spot - Mt. Desert Island, Maine.  Mt. Desert is also home to Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor.  I have been to this island more than 25 times and it never gets old. I miss it and the rocky coast very much and will be there one week from now. I can't wait to see it again - and I'm SURE I'll take many photos.

Sunrise on Campus

Photo of the Day 258/366

This photo was taken on my walk in from my car to my office. I'm always thinking of the work to be done, but the sun hit me and made me look up.  Just then, I noticed that if I moved just a little, I could get the sun hiding behind a tree up campus from where I was. I moved a little and the day's coming work fell away and I noticed the clouds, the sky, the sun and this was the resulting image.

Quote of the Day: "Purpose: how you use your expereinces, talents, and passions to better the lives of those around you." - L Peterson
