Tuesday Daily Life + Photo of the Day September 17, 2024

 Shooting the Shooter

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Daily Life:  I happened, some years ago, to capture some gent taking a photo out of the window. I'm not even sure I know who this man is, but I really liked that he didn't know I was taking this photo and the fact that he was so engrossed in taking his shot (as I know I would be). It seems that this is a fairly common occurrence whether your a photo-enthusiast or not - everyone is a shooter.

Sun Sinking Through the Clouds

Photo of the Day 261/366


This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago on one of our sunset walks. I had taken some wider shots of the sunset sky but right at the end, the sky near the horizon darkened. I looked and I saw the sun almost fighting to let out one last burst of light and this was the result. The red sun burning through the clouds right at the horizon line. The clouds around it lighting up - but then, in a blink, it was gone.

Quote of the Day: "Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past." - Tryon Edwards



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