The Lime Kiln Trail

 It was a beautiful autumn day yesterday, perfect for a nature walk on the Lime Kiln Trail.  For me it was interesting as I had never been there before and I was looking forward to the kiln ruins.  They turned out to be disappointing but it was a lovely day anyway.

We got there early enough that the light was perfect on the silver birches.

A little ICM...

It may look like a still life but it was out in the field.

The berm sheltering the quarry next to the path allows randome weeds to grow on the top.

The quarry the weeds are hiding.


  1. While I am not a fan of ICM, because I like to rest my eyes on something I am never able to do so with ICM photographs. I do find your #2 to be appealing. Just enough movement to create the abstract feel of ICM and at the same time enough stillness to be able to see the beauty of the area.


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