Thursday- Architecture


Jagermeister served here at -18C.....brrrrr


  1. I think I prefer it as it first appears, that is without so much of the top of the building but I guess it then becomes more of a street scene and not so much about the architecture. Nice shot though.
    Is this 'the' pub?

  2. Funny enough it's not "the" pub, although both have the same name, more or less. "The" pub was called "The Duke of Wellington". Your question made me do a quick look around...number of pubs named Wellington, here's a post I found..... Wellington's name in England is as overused as the name Lincoln in this state.

    Initially I wanted the photo in the window to be the focus and I played around in that area then because I just couldn't get it to look like I saw it in my mind....I zoom out and chose the building.


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