Sunday street

 Well guys I am a bit suffering of photoblock. Not really know what to photograph and not really picking up the camera.
I am sure it will come back. Still enjoying your photos an dthey are a bit of inspiration to me.

Hope to be very active soon.


  1. If this is an example of your photoblock, I wish I had photoblack too! 😀 Seriously, you've a natural photographer, and I know your block will end.

    1. Thanks Tom. Sometimes it is a period to overthink my photography. And come stronger out of it.

  2. I am right with you Peter. I took my camera on vacation and shot a handful of photos only because I forced myself to do so. I have stock piled a ton of items throughout the months for some table top photography (which is normally what I do during winter months) but have yet to start. Every day I tell myself today will be the day and then the desire disappears.


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